I started My most recent project, natural Juxtaposition, in 2023, and it is most related to environmental art and social practice. my intention is to look at how humans Interact with their fabricated environment, the city and how that can be juxtaposed to the natural environment.
Graffiti has a rich history and culture, and it spans more than the presumed conclusion that it marks gang activity in a given neighborhood. It is a way people decorate their environment and make signature art an everyday part of life. 
I have branched from physical and fine art into photography and digital art. I use multiple platforms to edit these images and layer graffiti onto photographs of nature that i have personally taken. 
Below are some of my other works that demonstrate social practice by de-stigmatizing Art as a therapeutic outlet and letting my emotions be on display for others' consumption. my contribution to the field of art and community is to welcome emotional art and to create safe spaces for emotional expression through creativity.
Jumping Timelines, 2022
24" x 36" Oil on Hardboard
A turning point for me, Jumping Timelines exemplifies my completion of my first oil painting course and my largest piece I had done at that time. It went from one of my least favorite pieces to a point of pride for myself. It combines abstract painting, intuitive emotional creation, and intentional artistic vision.
An enormous part of my creative practice is using art as as tool for uncovering deep emotions. This is done through intuitive art, which is where i create with my non dominant hand.
The Remains, 2023
8" x 6" Pen, Marker
Surrounded by trees in Northern California, I couldn't help but wonder about the countless burning trees the landscape faces each year. The air feels dense with environmental change.
Toxic Flower, 2022 
6" x 6" Watercolor, Pen
Toxic Flower, 2022 
6" x 6" Watercolor, Pen
I painted these two watercolors while camping. I noticed many different types of pollution in the campground I was in and had this intense feeling of grief for the destruction of the natural world. I had the idea to recreate the flora around me but with toxic changes that human pollution can bring.
Garden Vision, 2021
24" x 18" Acrylic and Marker on Canvas
While researching different climate change initiatives, looking for some good news, I thought of many different ways we can grow alongside the planet. All these entities and ideas were flowing through me, and I started painting acrylic swirls. After, I took a Sharpie and created shapes and images out of what I painted. The result is a garden of creation, one filled with beautiful and terrifying characters that all contribute to the survival and destruction of our planet.
Cold Shoulder, 2021
 11" x 8" Acrylic on Canvas
I created this piece while feeling a complicated mix of anger, grief, and anguish. It encapsulates the emotion of feeling clouded but not toally sure why.
Seeing Green, 2021
11" x 8" Acrylic on Canvas 
This piece came to me during the same session as "Cold Shoulder." I find it to demonstrate the deep envy we feel when we see the world through the lens of grief and anger. We keep seeing and seeing what others have that we do not, without any way to ground ourselves in reality.
when feeling deep emotions, I see new Horizons.
Moon Dancer, 2023
12" x 24" Acrylic on Canvas
This painting was a gift to a dying friend. She was an influential part of my life and was in great pain nearing the end of her life. I wanted to capture her joyful and ethereal essence while including our shared passion for the natural world. 
Electrifying, 2023
12" x 24" Acrylic on Canvas
During the session where I created Moon Dancer, I intuitively created an emotional painting that captures the feeling of pure, complex emotion, one that is electrifying and also paralyzing. I was feeling excited to be creating pieces I loved and aligned with, yet the reason I was creating them was through intense grief.
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